Cambridge igcse ict 2nd edition brian sargent, graham brown, david watson. If you have print friendlyversions of your site, this is the perfect place to use serif fonts. Chapter notes from complete ict book types and components of computers mind maps. Ict igcse, british school alzira, educational technology, itunes u, educational content, itunes u. Ict in igcse is a very theoretical heavy subject and this book will have very helpful information covering every topic in igcse ict. Ictmiss proctorjune paperexam files click on delimited. File sizes are relatively small but have near cd quality. Searching, editing, backed up, security, sorting, transported and output. Students are given a number of different pieces of data and asked to identify the appropriate data type. Why this unit matters ict influences what we do, how we travel, what we listen to, how we shop and how we communicate.
Datas can be inputted into the computer by using optical mark reader instead of doing manually. Igcse ict paper 2 document production, data manipulation. The best way to understand how a computer can control things is to think about how a person controls something for example, how does a human control a car when heshe is driving. Data can be stored in many different formats called data types. A typical pc contained the same basic components as a mainframe computer. Powered by create your own unique website with customizable templates. Secondly, as a result of being stored differently, this determines what operations can be carried out on it. The person looks ahead at the road to see what is approaching, thinksabout what heshe has seen, then acts upon it turns the steering wheel andor. Welcome to my igcse workbook this website contains everything you will need to know for your cambridge ict igcse varying from lesson work to assessment pieces. Igcse ict paper 2 document production, data manipulation and. A library has quite a complex data processing needs. Creating documents suitable for printing is called desktop publishing. Igcse ict past papers edexcel igcse notes, past papers. Firstly, data such as numbers is stored differently to text.
It is the language behind all of the web pages you see on the worldwide web. Advantages of paper based communication blind people have special. Igcse computer studies 0478 textbook 201516 cambridge. They must be the same as what it states on the exam paper. This was tim bernerslees original conception of how one would use this web thing he invented and since hes a member of the w3c, it makes sense that theyd produce a tool of this sort. Each questionnaires the details from a single student is called a record. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of any of direct entry devices in comparison with others. Edexcel igcse ict practical tutorials the student room. The sensors feedbacksends data to computer data is converted from analogue to digitalsent through an adc graphs are automatically produced by computer graphscharts are plotted against time 4 9 two from. Cambridge igcse in ict unit 2 input and output devices. If the records in a file are in no order, even if the files are in order of input. Students are given a preformatted sheet to record definitions and examples of the main data types.
Wordperfect is a word processing application, now owned by corel. Is a compressed file format used for storing audio files. A database is made up of one or more related files or tables in microsoft access a file is made up of one or more related records records are made up of one or more related fields a field is made up of a group of related characters. Miss mam has given you a folder of 50 questionnaires from all her music students. This book is in very good condition and will be shipped within 24 hours of ordering. Ict help pls igcse advise igcse edexcel 2017 ict rank these gcses from easiest to hardest igcse edexcel ict practical exam igcse edexcel 2014.
Igcse edexcel ict past papers years download 2005 may paper 1f question paper paper 2h question paper paper 1f, 2h, 03 mark scheme 2005 nov paper 1f question paper paper 2h question paper paper 1f mark scheme paper 2h mark scheme paper 03 mark scheme 2006 nov paper 1f question paper paper 2h question paper. Jul 28, 2016 igcse ict paper 2 document production, data manipulation and presentations februarymarch 2016 database part task 3. Data could be accidentally deleted from original medium data could be maliciously deletededited from original medium 2 12 a i joyce alonzo and aftab ali 1 ii maria jones 1 iii david senior 1 b visual verificationvisually comparing data entered with original 1. Applications of ict databases relational databases are databases which contain more than 1 linked table and reduce the chances of data being entered more than once to create a relational database different tables are created and then primary and foreign key fields are identified which are used to link the tables together. Igcse ict complete lesson notes revision notes, powerpoint presentations as per the latest cie syllabus. We call these categories data types when we structure data into a spreadsheet or a database we have to tell the computer what data type to use for each piece of data. Ensure all topics are fully understood with practice activities that can be set in class or as homework. If the site has helped you, please consider showing your appreciation by donating a little towards the sites running costs thank you. Sep 07, 2017 here you will find powerpoints, worksheets, activities, internet research questions related to the cambridge recommended text book cambridge igcse in ict by paul clowrey and colin stobart, with questions and other supporting materials to help you teach the unit.
Save time planning homework, with postlesson exercises that follow the contents and chapter order of the. Amaya is a project of the world wide web consortium w3c, the body that sets standards for the web, to produce an opensource tool featuring integrated webbrowsing and webauthoring. The benefits of using a computer to handle survey data are as follows. Ict igcse databases access you will be asked to either add, edit or delete data. The cover may have some limited signs of wear but the pages are clean, intact and the spine remains undamaged.
If the site has helped you, please consider showing your appreciation by donating a little towards the sites running costs. Allows data to be saved in a table structuredd format. Imagine we were testing a system module text box to make sure that it will only accept entries of numbers between 1 and 5. This is for the cie 2017 exams qs are based off of the syllabus. Softpress freeway is a wysiwyg tool for mac os with some remarkable features, including draganddrop of files of nearly any type, the ability to use whatever fonts you have on your computer which it will convert into image files for the actual web page, but leaving the original text editable, and onthefly compositing of transparent and partiallytransparent images in native photoshop. A test plan should always use four types of testing data. This is because the data type will determine what can be done with the data held in that field e. Each line of the file is a data record allows data to be saved in a table structuredd format.
The creation of computers that were small enough to fit on a desk, and cheap enough that everyone could have their own, personal computer, instead of having to share access to a mainframe. Data handling is basically where data is input and stored on a computer. The set of questionnaires completed by students is a file. Computers are much better at handling data than paper based methods for many reasons like. Cambridge igcse ict theory workbook by david watson. Ict igcse free course by british school alzira on itunes u. Data is processed by computers, the resulting information can then be used to make decisions. If you have any files that you want me to upload please send it to me at waelia.
To create a webpage using html you could use any of the following. In a flat model database, there is a two dimensional flat structure array of data. Application of ict in libraries computers are used in libraries all over the world to provide access to a range of electronic information resources and to manage materials books, journals, videos, and other media held in particular collections. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Edexcel international gcse information and communication. While serif fonts are hard to read online, they are perfect for print. Select different data types for a given set of data. When setting up a database or spreadsheet, it is important that the correct data type is selected for each field. This book has clearly been well maintained and looked after thus far. This website contains everything you will need to know for your cambridge ict igcse varying from lesson work to assessment pieces. It is important that the database knows what type of data it is using, for two main reasons. Task 16 using anchors aka bookmarks type the text top of page at the very bottom of homepage. Igcse ict systems analysis and design testing the system.
The test data would look like the example in the table below. Support students learning with extra practice questions and activities, tailored to topics in the igcse ict students book. There is need to keep, as a minimum, three sets of data focusing on the books in the library, the library members and the books currently borrowed. Relational databases are databases which contain more than 1 linked table and reduce the chances of data being entered more than once to create a relational database different tables are created and then primary and foreign key fields are identified which are used to link the tables together keywords record.
Data data is words, numbers, dates, images, sounds etc without context i. These computers came to be known as desktop computers, or personal computers pcs. Communication application paperbased communication. Anchors bookmarks are special types of hyperlinks that help you. Here you will find powerpoints, worksheets, activities, internet research questions related to the cambridge recommended text book cambridge igcse in ict by paul clowrey and colin stobart, with questions and other supporting materials to help you teach the unit. The data processing requirements of a library a library has quite a complex data processing needs. The course syllabus states that you should be able to. Flat model, hierarchical model, relational model and network model. At the height of its popularity in the early to mid 1980s, it was a dominant player in the word processor market, but has long since been eclipsed in number of users by microsoft word. Data handling applications igcse ict patricks blog.
Creating document suitable fro printing is often called desktop publishing dtp. Introduction html stands for hyper text markup language. Htm create an anchor named top which takes the user to the top of the page whenever the above text is clicked. You are all familiar desktop pcs and laptops, but did you know that computers can be as small as your mobile phone in fact your phone is a computer and as large as a room. Types of computers computers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. This section will take a look at the different categories of data that can be used in a computer. The serifs, in print, make it easier to read, as they allow people to differentiate the letters more clearly. Complete ict for cambridge igcse revision guide cie igcse.
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